Hugo Themes
A theme based on the pure css blog layout
- Author: dplesca
- Minimum Hugo Version: 0.14
- GitHub Stars: 85
- Updated: 2019-09-24
- License: MIT
- Tags: Blog
Hugo theme based on purecss from Yahoo. The theme is based on the purecss blog layout example, is responsive and has a few more features: pagination (if enabled), responsive images (through a shortcode), google analytics, disqus comments and even a mini-asset-pipeline using gulp. If you end up using it, I’d love to see what you do with it so please give me a shout on twitter.
Navigate to your Hugo site’s theme folder
$ cd themes
$ git clone
Config file
The config file for the demo site looks like this:
baseurl = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "purehugo"
theme = "purehugo"
Paginate = 10
disqusShortname = "xxxx"
twitterName = "dragos_plesca"
githubName = "dplesca"
stackOverflowId = "#######"
linkedinName = "dragos-plesca-52797444"
description = "Demo site for a hugo theme"
google_analytics = "UA-xxxxxx-xx"
Notice the configuration necessary for disqus comments (just setting the disqusShortname); the twitter, github, stack overflow and linkedin handlers (for the site sidebar); the site description and enabling Google Analytics reporting.
Responsive Images
For responsive images you could use the built-in responsive image shortcode (without the /**/
{{% img-responsive "" %}}
Hide Share Options
If you would like to hide the share options in the single post view, you can add this option in the params
section of your config file.
# ... other options ...
hideShareOptions = true
Hide Sidebar icons text Options
If you would like to hide the text next to the icons on the sidebar, you can add this option in the params
section of your config file.
# ... other options ...
hideSidebarIconText = true