Hugo Themes
A minimal privacy focused blogging theme for hugo
The images used in theme are only for demonstration purpose, Please don’t use those images.
Navigate to your themes folder in your Hugo site and use the following command:
$ git clone
Main features
- Monospace font
- Fully Responsive Ready.
- Powered by bootstrap 4 CSS framework.
- Well Crafted for Personal blog
- Works without javascript
- Site Search - powered by DuckDuckGo
- Option to enable / disable disqus, analytics from config (disabled by default for privacy reasons)
Feel free to contribute changes, features to this theme!
Reporting Issues
We use Gitlab Issues as the official bug tracker for the restaurant Template. Please Search existing issues. It’s possible someone has already reported the same problem. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, open a new issue
This Theme is released under MIT license